Availability: In Stock
ISBN: 9780881234428

Mishkan T'filah for Children Visual T'filahTM
A Siddur for Families and Schools
For grades K-2
Weekday Evening
Edited by Michelle Shapiro Abraham, RJE
Readings and Translations by Michelle Shapiro Abraham
Art by Katie Lipsitt
A beautifully illustrated Visual T'filahTM for use in schools and family services.
"Pro" services allow users to edit each element of a prayer slide (including text, images, and more) for an advanced opportunity to customize the Visual T'filahTM. Also available is a basic version. Download this sample to compare Pro and Basic.
Once you've purchased your Visual T'filahTM , there will be a download link on the order confirmation page. You will also be emailed a link to the file.
Encourage early prayer literacy with Mishkan T'filah for Children and Youth! Learn more about how you can integrate our Mishkan T'filah products into your religious school programs with the video below:
ISBN 978-0-88123-442-8
PowerPoint file download. Versions for Keynote and with editable Hebrew are available. Visual T'filah products are not returnable. Contact info@ccarpress.org for more info.