Availability: In Stock
ISBN: 978-0-88123-599-9

The Mishkan T'filah Visual T'filahTM series provides the complete prayers, readings, and commentary from Mishkan T'filah: A Reform Siddur formatted for the screen. Suitable for both projection and screensharing, the slides feature the familiar layout of the print book in a contemporary digital design. Full translation and transliteration are included alongside the Hebrew text. Page numbers on each slide match the print versions, with dots indicating how many slides are used in longer prayers and readings. Photographs, art, and other imagery can be added to each slide to enhance participants' experiences.
Shabbat Evening Visual T'filahTM comprises the full Friday evening liturgy along with the Shabbat Torah service, including Mi Shebeirach, for those communities that read the Torah in the evening. Includes the following closing songs: Adon Olam, Ein Keiloheinu, and Shalom Aleichem.
This is the "Basic" version of the file, meaning you can remove prayer slides and insert new slides, but the elements of each slide (including text and images) are not editable. To be able to edit and customize the contents of each prayer slide, download the Pro version. Download this sample to compare Pro and Basic.
Once you've purchased your Visual T'filahTM, there will be a download link on the order confirmation page. You will also be emailed a link to the file.
"I am so grateful to the CCAR team for bringing us the new Mishkan T'filah Visual T'filahTM. We have been using it for a few weeks now, and congregants noticed the difference immediately: they love the easy-to-read font and the spacious layout. For me, I am so happy to have the full variety of Mishkan T'filah's beautiful liturgy at my fingertips. This new edition is such a welcome addition to our digital prayer space! " - Rabbi Jodie Gordon, Hevreh of Southern Berkshire
ISBN 978-0-88123-599-9
PowerPoint file download. Visual T'filah products are not returnable. Contact info@ccarpress.org for more info.