Availability: In Stock
ISBN: 978-0-88123-602-6

The complete set of Yom Kippur services from Mishkan HaNefesh: Machzor for the Days of Awe as a Visual T'filahTM.
Includes the following services:
Yom Kippur Avodah Service
Yom Kippur Eileh Azkarah Service
Yom Kippur Kol Nidrei Service
Yom Kippur Minchah Service
Yom Kippur N'ilah Service
Yom Kippur Shacharit Service
Yom Kippur Yizkor Service
This is the "Basic" version of the file, meaning you can remove prayer slides and insert new slides, but the elements of each slide (including text and images) are not editable. To be able to edit and customize the contents of each prayer slide, download the Pro version.Download this sample to compare Pro and Basic.
Once you've purchased your Visual T'filahTM, there will be a download link on the order confirmation page. You will also be emailed a link to the file.
ISBN 978-0-88123-602-6
PowerPoint file download. Keynote version available. Visual T'filah products are not returnable. Contact info@ccarpress.org for more info.