Paper T'filah by Visual T'filah (Shabbat Morning)

Availability: In Stock

Product Code: 88.PAPER-TFILAH-VT-SM

ISBN: 9780881233988

Developed in collaboration with Isaac Brynjegard-Bialik

"Paper T'filah" is the Visual T'filahTM version of Isaac Brynjegard-Bialik's visual biblical commentary, which serves as an intersection between traditional Jewish worship and pop culture narratives. This particular Visual T'filahTM comes to life through Isaac's unique papercuts -- made almost entirely from comic books. Experience prayer at the junction of a rt and Judaism with this creative edition of Visual T'filahTM !

This Shabbat morning service is "basic" (formerly known as "locked") - meaning the content of each slide cannot be edited, but slides may be added or removed. This Visual T'filahTM includes the prayers from the right-side pages of Mishkan T'filah. Purchasing this file gives you a license to add left-side readings that are copyrighted by the CCAR. In some cases, prayers are abbreviated based on common usage.

ISBN 978-0-88123-398-8

PowerPoint file download. Keynote version available. Visual T'filah products are not returnable. Contact for more info.