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ISBN: 978-0-88123-268-4

Edited by Rabbi Edwin Goldberg
Divrei Mishkan HaNefesh is like a midrash on the machzor, a "Mishkan Hanefesh Rabah." This volume serves as a springboard for entering into the sanctuary of our souls with enthusiasm and helpful insights, exegetical and homiletical material, tips and guideposts, as well as indexes of poems and biblical citations. This book focuses on the prayers and scriptural offerings included in Mishkan HaNefesh. Rubric by rubric, insights are presented with background information concerning the perspective and choices of the editors, as well as offering extra material to engage the reader. A number of brief essays, composed by members of the machzor editorial team, are also included.
Table of Contents
Sample Pages:
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Divrei Mishkan HaNefesh offers helpful lists and insightful essays that can help us understand and shape our approach to our worship using our new machzor.
- "Lest Our Preparation for Prayer be Willy-Nilly" by Rabbi Andrew Busch, Baltimore Hebrew Congregation, MD
This new volume is truly a treasure. Keep it as a resource, but return to it again and again for inspiration and guidance. It reminded me of how holy a task it is to prepare for and lead our communities through the Days of Awe.
- "High Holy Days Leader Experience: Being the Suffering Servant, Isaiah 53" by Rabbi Mara S. Nathan, Temple Beth-El, San Antonio, TX
Read more about Divrei Mishkan HaNefesh on RavBlog:
- "Falling In Love All Over Again With Mishkan HaNefesh" by Rabbi Rachel Bearman
- Interview with Rabbi Edwin Goldberg: Introducing Divrei Mishkan HaNefesh
Learn more about Divrei Mishkan HaNefesh: A Guide to the CCAR Machzor from the editor, Rabbi Edwin Goldberg:
ISBN 978-0-88123-268-4
Copyright © 2016
6" x 9"
.70 lb
Page Count: 190