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ISBN: 978-0-88123-345-2

By Rabbi Debra J. Robbins
Foreword by Rabbi David Stern
This volume is a compelling invitation to meditate on the deeper meaning of the fourteen verses of Psalm 27. During the month of Elul and the High Holy Day and Festival season, we reflect on our relationships, choices, beliefs, and practices, considering where to make repairs, adjustments, and atonement. Opening Your Heart with Psalm 27 provides gentle guidance through this journey of reflection, offering heartfelt insight, profound translation, and an invaluable framework for meaningfully participating in this annual spiritual practice.
Table of Contents
Reader's Navigation Guide 2024 - Free Download
Discussion Guide - Free Download
RavBlog posts on Opening Your Heart with Psalm 27
Watch Rabbi Debra J. Robbins' conversation on Opening Your Heart with Psalm 27
Book Review in the Reform Jewish Quarterly
Also Available:
Also Available as an app:
Also Available: New Each Day: A Spiritual Practice for Reading Psalms
"Kavei el Adonai" by Richard Cohn
Download the sheet music
Stream (below) or Download (right-click, and "download"):
Kavei el Adonai ("Wait Hopefully for Adonai")
Ps. 27:14
Music by Cantor Richard Cohn
Recorded in New York City, April 8, 2019
Cantor Richard Cohn, baritone (Director, Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion)
Cantor Amanda Kleinman, soprano (Senior Cantor, Westchester Reform Temple, Scarsdale, New York)
David Strickland, pianist (Faculty Member, Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion)
"In Opening Your Heart with Psalm 27, Rabbi Debra Robbins does more than mine the richness of Psalm 27 with her heart. She meditates upon it with her mind and her soul as well. In so doing, she opens the very being of each reader who has the privilege to read and reflect upon her moving and meditative words. Her readings and insights touch the deepest levels of who each of us is as a person. Hers is a spiritual masterpiece that will prepare your spirit as you seek the call of the High Holiday season."
--Rabbi David Ellenson, Chancellor Emeritus, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
"For too many, the High Holy Days catch us unprepared, but with Rabbi Debra Robbins's inspired guidebook, Opening Your Heart with Psalm 27, we can explore our inner spiritual landscape so that we might awaken to more intentional lives of purpose and depth. She's a loving and wise guide, taking even a reluctant hand to walk the path of genuine spirituality. Just what the spiritual doctor prescribed."
-- Rabbi Rick Jacobs, President, Union for Reform Judaism
"This original and rich work is an invitation to dive deeply into the themes of the High Holy Days. If you enter, you will have an inspiring teacher guiding you on a journey of sacred discovery."
-- Rabbi Sheila Peltz Weinberg, author of God Loves the Stranger, Founding teacher of the Institute for Jewish Spirituality
"Rabbi Robbins has written a deeply soulful book that opens us up -- a few minutes each day -- to Psalm 27's sources of light and mystery. It enables us in a season of forgiveness to realize ourselves more fully, to approach our failings more gently, and to love more wisely. Thank you."
-- Dr. Erica Brown, Associate Professor, Curriculum and Pedagogy, George Washington School of Education and Human Development and Director, Mayberg Center for Jewish Education and Leadership
"What makes the book special is the fact that the psalm acts as a springboard for some wonderfully contemplative material which amply bears further time for reflection. Opening Your Heart with Psalm 27 is a fine companion for the period from Elul 1 to Sukkot, but there are gems within Rabbi Debra Robbins's contemplative commentary that would be a useful, enriching accompaniment to the other days of the year as well."
-- Rabbi Dr. Charles Middleburgh, Dean, Leo Baeck College
ISBN 978-0-88123-345-2
Copyright © 2019
9 x 6
10 oz
Page Count: 176