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ISBN: 978-0-88123-305-6

Edited by Rabbi Stanley M. Davids and Rabbi Lawrence A. Englander, DHL
Israel has quickly become one of the most polarizing forces in the North American Jewish community. In a world already much too divided, how can we approach the subject of Zionism without widening the rifts? This book wrestles with and attempts to frame the very fragile dialogue surrounding Zionism and Israel in the 21st century Progressive Jewish community. Written from a multiplicity of views, the collection explores the many lenses through which this varied community approaches Zionism, not only set apart by political differences but also by geographical diversity, religious divisiveness, socio-economic policies, gender issues, the use and abuse of power, and more. The Fragile Dialogue is a conversation starter, meant to provide a basis for narrowing the rifts in our dialogue around Zionism today.
Table of Contents
Contributor Bios
Study Guide - Free Download
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The Fragile Dialogue is a must read book for all those thinking, discussing and debating Israel. Bridging generational and ideological gaps this compilation of essays and thought pieces offers many important perspectives that are both challenging and inspiring. At this critical moment in time, the North American Jewish community has a unique opportunity to renew our positions, dig deeper and use these texts as basis for our conversations, dialogues and discussions
- Rabbi Josh Weinberg, President of ARZA and contributor to The Fragile Dialogue
We are in the midst of a cultural struggle over the future of Israel. The Fragile Dialogue is a powerful attempt to fight for Israel's soul and to give voice to all who believe that love of Israel is carried by honesty and aspiration and not fear. Essential reading.
- Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman, President, Shalom Hartman Institute
As we here in Israel continue to fight for democracy, equality, and diversity, it is so important to keep the conversation going about why all of this matters so very much. The essays in this collection take the conversation about the Liberal Zionism today to a deep and meaningful level, and provide important context far beyond what we hear in the news.
- Anat Hoffman, Executive Director, Israel Religious Action Center
A model for the open, challenging, unafraid discussion of Zionism that the American Jewish community desperately needs.
- Peter Beinart, author of The Crisis of Zionism
Also Available:
Read "Restoring Respectful Dialogue About Israel" by the co-editors of The Fragile Dialogue in The Jerusalem Post
Read "The Fragile Dialogue: New Voices of Liberal Zionism," an interview with Rabbi Robert Orkand on ReformJudaism.org
ISBN 978-0-88123-305-6
Copyright © 2018
6" x 9"
1 lb
Page count: 342